“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” – Winston Churchill Last week in this space the topic was focus & the idea that we need to figure [...]
“Indiscriminate action is a form of laziness.” – Tim Ferris We’re taught early on in our careers to try & make people happy. When customers approach us and ask if we can help, we almost [...]
“Excellence does not require perfection.” – Henry James One common trait I see in the great leaders I work with is the desire to do things better. Whether it’s how they produce their good or [...]
“It’s taken me all my life to learn what not to play.” – Dizzy Gillespie Last week in this space the topic was focus, and the importance of zeroing on what matters and getting your people to do [...]
“The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.” – John Madden As leaders, we are bombarded by ideas and information about how we’re supposed to manage people. If [...]
“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” – Frederick Buechner Last week in this space we talked about finding your passion and then spending your energy [...]
“Out of clutter, find simplicity.” – Albert Einstein Last week in this space the topic was fuel & where we go to get energy. Someone said to me that they’ve figured out where they go to get [...]
“When you look at people who are thriving in their jobs, you notice they didn’t find them, they made them.” – Ashley Goodall One of the aspects of real success that gets overlooked is energy. [...]
“The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Too many businesses (and people) are doing things because [...]
“If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven out of business.” – B.C. Forbes Last week in this space we talked about reaching the point – hopefully soon – where we can stop hunkering [...]