Free Day

It’s a holiday today in my part of the world.  Any holiday is a good time to remember the things we’re thankful for, but given the craziness of the past few years it’s [...]



“It is the lives we encounter that make life worth living.” – Guy de Maupassant I’m spending some time with people who make my life especially joyful this week.  I hope [...]



“Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all.  Laugh, rest, slow down.” – Anne Lamott In our part of the world, we have a holiday weekend coming up.  [...]


Time for a Break

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien I’ll be doing some wandering over the next couple of weeks, so it will be quiet in this space.  Hopefully in the [...]


Free Day

It’s a holiday today in my part of the world.  Any holiday is a good time to remember the things we’re thankful for, but given the craziness of the past year it’s especially [...]


Happy Holidays

“Tomorrow belongs to those who can see it coming.” – David Bowie It’s time to head into a new year, full of opportunities and challenges.  We’ll be taking the next [...]


Happy Thanksgiving!

“People really don’t have to give you anything, so appreciate what people give you.” – Aretha Franklin As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday on this side of the world, [...]


Summer Vacation

“I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade…And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.” – Ron White It will be [...]


Holiday Time

It’s a holiday today in my part of the world.  Any holiday is a good time to remember the things we’re thankful for, but given our current world craziness it’s especially true [...]


Happy Holidays!!

Time to take a break to spend time with family & friends over the next few weeks.  Make sure you take time to do the same.  Make time to remember what’s most important to you.  When [...]