Continuing our discussion on the four common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, today we will introduce the third common mistake: spending cash on the wrong things. Spending Cash on the [...]
Continuing our discussion on the four common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, today we will introduce the second common mistake: undervaluing management competency. Undervaluing Management [...]
Ask anyone who’s ever started or owned their own business about what they’ve learned, and every one of them will say the same things: “If I had it to do over [...]
Dr. Robert Kaplan of Harvard Business School stated “…the most profitable 20% of customers generate between 150 and 300% of total profits. The middle 70% of customers about break [...]
With this post, I’ll bring to a close my four-part series on customer service. Here is the fourth and final theme that we have to understand and master in our customer service [...]
Picking up where I left off with my last post, I’ll discuss the third of four themes that we have to understand and master in our customer service process. Theme 3: Don’t Personalize [...]
In my last post, I talked about the theme of Attitude. In this post, I’ll discuss the second theme of customer service: care. Theme 2: Care Demonstrate that you care. My [...]
It seems that most companies pride themselves on their customer service. They invest in training programs, performance incentives, surveys and much more in attempts to measure up. And [...]
There is a saying among Plains Indians that was passed down from generation to generation: “When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount”. [...]
When people start a business, they typically would have the one or more of the following objectives: To create a regular income stream greater than the amount you would earn as an employee; To [...]