Are You Great? – Part 2

Guest Post: Glenn Van Ekeren is the President of Vetter Health Services in Omaha, Nebraska, a company committed to providing “dignity in life” for seniors.  Vetter Health [...]


Are You Great? – Part 1

Guest Post: Glenn Van Ekeren is the President of Vetter Health Services in Omaha, Nebraska, a company committed to providing “dignity in life” for seniors.  Vetter Health [...]


Risking it All

Late on a Saturday afternoon, I asked my wife, “Is there a good movie on TV tonight?”  Marsha replied, “The usual.  Why don’t you go to the Redbox and get [...]


Does Failure Breed Success?

Some of my associates and I were having a discussion on the value of learning experiences.  The question was asked, “Do we learn more from our failures than we learn from our [...]


Your Business Life Cycle: Goodbye

After working through all the stages of the business life cycle (The Idea, Actual Work, Look Out World!, We’ve Arrived, Growth & Expansion, Downhill Slide), we’ve finally arrived [...]